Emergency Shelter provided for individual men and women, families with children and certified service pets are allowed with proper documentation.
Warming & Cooling for any individual that wants to drop in that is experiencing homelessness is provided at our location. A walk-in client is provided a meal, shower, access to personal hygiene products, connections with resources and much more.
Cultivated Resources for weekly experiences such as budgeting education, support groups, employment building, school resources and much more.
Family Promise of Washington County has dedicated staff to solidify case management, child specific services and on-site safety and security protocols. It was designed to accommodate up to 58 individuals with fully equipped living spaces and shelter rooms and the following listed below.
Location: Easily seen from Water Street
Parking: Conveniently located in front of our facility
Safety: A well-protected building with access controls, surveillance cameras, and round-the-clock trained staff
Offices: Well-furnished office space and meeting rooms available for the privacy of our program participants